Our Solutions.

Solutions we offer:


Triduotech voip

Voice over Internet Protocol also called IP telephony, usually used in customer service/experience journey for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions over Internet Protocol networks.

Triduotech network

Using a combination of policies, processes, and practices adopted to prevent, detect and monitor unauthorized access to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of your computer network.

Triduotech fiber

Applying the use of Long-haul, terrestrial optical fiber network for solutions requiring high bandwidth, low-latency connectivity solution for heavy bandwidth users.

Triduotech vpn

Employing a VPN connection to establish a secure connection between you and the internet. securing all your data traffic routed through an encrypted virtual tunnel for businesses working with sensitive data.

Triduotech broadband

Businesses requiring high-speed Internet access that is always on and faster than the traditional dial-up access.

Triduotech virtualization

With the pandemic affecting several businesses and reducing physical interaction, several businesses have come to rely on virtual process, operations in a setup that removes the investment in physical hardware infrastructure.

Triduotech cctv

CCTV solution for monitoring and security purposes usually common amongst our supply chain and logistics clients but can equally be used across all industries depending on your requirement.

Triduotech power

Considering the current power production capacities in Africa, we offer solutions that enable your business to continue running regardless of the grid strength and depending on your business requirment.

Managed Services

Technology can help you operate more efficiently, you don’t need the distraction of operating networks when you are focused on running your business. TriDuo Tech can help. We manage your network operation and administration, allowing you to concentrate on what you do best – growing your business.

Whichever industry you work in, whatever company you work for, With world-leading technology providers such as Juniper Networks, Cisco Systems, Microsoft, VMware, Ubiquiti, TriDuoTech brings you high-performing and secure solutions that are easy to implement and use. TriDuoTech offers different managed services including Managed IP PBX, Managed Security, Managed Hosting (DNS, Web, Email, Server), Network Monitoring.

Professional Services

TriDuo Tech actively supports you by deploying a few methods that are uncommon in businesses. We can remotely manage your network infrastructure at affordable cost.

TriDuo Tech consultants can help you:

By actively supporting your team. To accomplish this, we listen to your requirements to understand your custom business requirement for relative adequate solution for optimal network performance.